Saturday, October 30, 2010

Top Coolest, Funniest and Creepiest Halloween Costumes 2010

5 Top Coolest, Funniest and Top 5 Creepiest Halloween Costumes 2010: Top Collection of unique, Cool & Memorable Halloween Costumes 2010 . Enjoy!

Top 5 Coolest Halloween Costumes:

5. Samurai Stormtrooper Costume
This Japanese Stormtrooper will be the star of any Halloween party. [via]
Top 5 Coolest Halloween Costumes - Samurai stormtrooper

4. Pac-Man Costume
This is Playable Pac-man arcade machine created by Russell Luzinski. [Via]
Top 5 Coolest Halloween Costumes - Pac-man Cosplay

3. Steampunk Iron Man Costume
Iron Man Costume that inspired by Steampunk genre of science fiction [via]
Top 5 Coolest Halloween Costumes - Steampunk Iron Man

2. Transformers Costume
Top 5 Coolest Halloween Costumes -  Transformers Cosplay

#1. StarCraft Terran Ghost Cosplay
Awesome costume created by a StarCraft fan for BlizzCon 2010. [via]

Top 5 Coolest Halloween Costumes - StarCraft Ghost Cosplay

Top 5 Creepiest Halloween Costumes:

5.General Raam Cosplay
The silent but deadly leader of the Locust Horde is one huge, the thought of a giant, fugly lizard man popping out of the ground and impaling you should be enough to convince you why he's repping on this list.
Top 5 Creepiest Costume Play - General Raam Cosplay

4.Left4Dead 2's Zombie Clown Cosplay
Clowns are scary as all hell and so are zombies, so it makes perfect sense that combining the two would make for one horryifying time for youngsters.
Top 5 Creepiest Costume Play - Zombie Clown Cosplay

3.Resident Evil Nemesis Cosplay
Top 5 Creepiest Costume Play - Nemesis Cosplay

2.Necromorph Cosplay
Top 5 Creepiest Costume Play - Necromorph Cosplay

#1. Silent Hill Nurse Costume
The last thing a parent wants is a kid that's afraid to go to the doctor or dentist. So the best thing you can do as a friend of one is traumatize their child to the point that they wet their pants at the mere mention of a check-up or teeth cleaning. Taking the sexy nurse costume, add some bloody bandages to the face, and voila, you're a monster. Added creepy factor if you're a dude and you do this costume (you'll scare more than just kids).
Top 5 Creepiest Costume Play - Silent Hill Nurse Cosplay

Creepiest Source:

Funniest Halloween Costume:

In order to neutralize those creepy images, here is the funniest Halloween Costumes :)
Man In a Cage Costume