Friday, December 24, 2010

3-Year-Old Girl Helps Nurse Paralyzed Father

She may only be three but she is already taking care of her paralysed father alone. Dong Xinyi has to cook for her father Dong Jian, 26, and also help clean his waste. Xinyi was born to a farmer family in Huanghia town in Shandong Province, China in 2007. Several months later, her mother left home, taking her along when Dong Jian was paralysed after a road accident.
Three-year-old Dong Xinyi helps prepares lunch for her father, who is paraplegic
Xinyi helping to cook lunch for herself and the father
Xinyi taking water out water from a vat at home
Three-year-old Dong Xinyi helps prepare water for her paralyzed father in Huangjia town of East China’s Shandong province, Dec 19, 2010.
Dong Jian, lost the use of his legs after a traffic accident in 2007. His wife then left him and now Dong Xinyi tries to take care of her father.
